To arrange internship was helped by Liene Štāle from C group and college administration. We spent work practice in the youth centre of Slovenian town, Slovenske konjice. We went there by car VW. Though the journey was long and tough, it was interesting. Sometimes we lost the way, two times were stopped by police and had to explain, where we are going to. On the way back we faced the same difficulties. In Slovenia we stayed in a home with all conveniences, we were even supplied with bicycles to ride in the town. The weather was fabulous and we travelled a lot around Slovenia and Croatia.
The town inhabitants as well as the employers of the organization were very helpful and open. We had a lot of every day responsibilities, for example, we mowed the grass and cleaned rooms in the Centre, and we worked at schools and organized, with the help of local theatre, performance aimed at improving the feeling of tolerance to minorities.
I got many friends, saw life in other countries, gained experience to work with children, had a wonderful time.
Advise to take advantage of Erasmus Exchange programme. It is worth.